Friday, March 18, 2005

I rule the night!

My comfort level has increased around the dogs. Although I have no use for the puppies that have entered the household. The adult dogs seem to share my feelings on this. When I walk around the house and a dog wishes to get playful, a simple hiss seems to deliver the message. I walk freely in the household now and have explored many more rooms. Min still wishes to be my friend. She still attempts to sleep with me. -- Unsure about this arrangement.

The other day I found myself high on a ledge. It was quite pleasureable to look down upon my domain. The two humans were downright silly in their attempts to rescue me. When the man human grabbed me, it was quite scary -- I found myself extending my claws to grab onto anything secure.

The humans are kind to me and I repay their kindness by allowing them in my domain.

Lately, I walk the night throughout the house, exploring rooms where the doors are open to me. The bathtub is a cool and enclosed place -- enjoy it emencely!


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